Scribner - 1919
The 1919 Scribner Covered Bridge, also known as the Mudgett Covered Bridge, is a covered bridge that carries Rocky Road across the Gihon River in Johnson, Lamoille County, Vermont, and one of a few of Vermont's covered bridges that are the result of covering an existing open bridge.
The 1919 Scribner Covered Bridge is a single-span queen post truss, 48 feet long and 17.5 feet wide, with a roadway width of 13.5 feet (one lane). It is covered by a gabled metal roof, and its exterior is clad in vertical board siding, which extends around to the insides of the portals. On the sides, the siding ends short of the roof, leaving an open strip. The bridge rests on concrete abutments that date to 1960. The trusses are unusually short and lack internal bracing, and their corner joints have been reinforced with metal plates.
The bridge's construction date and builder are not known. It has been determined that the bridge was originally an uncovered Pony truss bridge, due to the relatively low height of the queen post trusses and the discovery of supporting documents. In 1960, minor repairs were carried out and steel I beams were installed underneath the road deck.
Of the over 500 covered bridges that were built in the state of Vermont, as of 2019, only 104 remain.
Posted to the National Register of Historic Places on October 1, 1974
Located at: N44 38.289 W72 38.916 - WGCB #45-08-09
Photographed in July of 2019.