Donoho Bowling Alley1955
The 1955 Donoho Bowling Alley was an attraction of the historic Donoho Hotel in Red Boiling Springs, Tennessee. The hotel was a resort known for its mineral baths and for its drinking water in the 1930s. When the owner died his children took over but had little interest in the business. Due to wartime depletion of resources due to rationing, the resort was closed. It stood empty until 1955 when a former postmaster purchased it and began remodeling. Part of the remodeling was a 'new-type' open-air, 2-lane, 5-pin bowling alley.
In 1969, Red Boiling Springs was devastated by a flood and declared a federal disaster area. In 1974 the hotel was purchased again and during the remodeling stages, the bowling alley was converted into a bridge crossing Salt Lick Creek where it remains today.
During the 1980s and 1990s, several attempts were made to recapture the past excitement of Red Boiling Springs, and the town began sponsoring an annual folk medicine show filled with questionable home remedies, presentations, entertainment, and storytelling. In 2002, Perrier of France opened a factory to bottle water from the mineral springs there.
Located at: N36 31.742 W85 50.490 - WGCB #42-56-C
Photographed in early December of 2019.