Edgell Hill - 1885
The Edgell Covered Bridge is located on River Rd in Lyme, Grafton County, New Hampshire, and crosses Clay Brook.
The bridge was built in 1885 by Walter Piper when he was only eighteen years old for a total cost of $1,825.27. It was assembled on the town common and moved by oxcart to the planned location. The bridge is 132' long with a clear span of 111'2". It has an overall width of 21'3" with a roadway width of 16'3" and a maximum vertical clearance of 12'7". The bridge is posted for six tons. In 1936, it washed off its northern abutment. It was moved back and tied down with cables. State bridge maintenance crews repaired the abutments, put in a new floor, and trued up the structure in 1971 at a cost of $23,829. On the night of February 21, 1982, the roof collapsed from a heavy load of snow. In July 1982, it was repaired at a cost of $30,000.
Of the 400 covered bridges that once stood in the state of New Hampshire, as of 2019, only 54 remain.
The Edgell Bridge is considered eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.
Located at: N43 52.07 W72 09.88 - WGCB #29-05-11
Photographed in July of 2019.