Bean Blossom - 1880
Spanning the Bean Blossom Creek on Covered Bridge Road, the Bean Blossom Covered Bridge in Brown County was built in 1880 by Captain Joseph Balsey for the sum of $1,200. It is one of three in existence of the Single Howe Through Trusses design. Its largest span has a length of 57.4 feet. Its total length is 101 feet with a deck width of 11.8 feet. Its vertical clearance above the deck is 11.5 feet. As of 2012, the average daily traffic on the bridge was 38.
In June of 1880, concerned citizens petitioned the County Commissioners for a bridge to be built over Bean Blossom Creek to accommodate travel, teaming, and transportation of mail between Nashville and Georgetown (now Bean Blossom). The petition was granted at a special meeting in July. Bids were then taken for wooden, iron, and wrought iron bridges, some including masonry.
The bridge's timber came from a farm near Nashville, and the stone for the abutments came from a nearby property. The wooden bridge costing $1200 was completed on October 1, 1880.
The bridge was on the main road between Bean Blossom and Nashville until State Road 135 bypassed it in 1936. While frequently repaired for well over 100 years, it has been carefully maintained to preserve its original state.
In 1967 the bridge was closed to thru traffic and in 1968 both the bridge and road were reported to be in bad condition. A campaign was started to save the bridge and considerable repairs were made. In 1976 and 1982 it was closed for short periods for repairs. In 1988 the bridge was renovated using materials supplied by the Highway Department. Not only is it the oldest, but the only single-lane covered bridge in Indiana in its original location.
Eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.
Located at: N39 15.66 W86 15.32 - WGCB #14-07-01
Photographed in May 2022