Creek Road - 1880
The Creek Road Bridge is a covered bridge spanning Conneaut Creek in Conneaut, Ashtabula County, Ohio. The bridge, one of currently 16 drivable bridges in the county, is a single-span Lattice Town truss design. The bridge is located approximately 3.4 mi southwest of Conneaut.
The bridge's date of construction is unknown, however, Bridgehunter state's that it was built in 1880 and rehabilitated in 1963 & 1995.
Dimensions: Length: 112 feet; Overhead clearance: 11 feet 4 inches; Underclearance: 25 feet.
Eligible for the National Register of Historic Places
Located at: N41 55.178 W80 36.587 - WGCB #35-04-05
Photographed in May 2022