Auchumpkee Creek - 1892
The 1892 Auchumpkee Creek Covered Bridge in Upson County Georgia near Thomaston is 120 feet long, spanning 96 feet, and was built by the firm of Herring and Alford. It was rebuilt in 1997 after a flood damaged it. It is also known as the Hootenville Bridge and Zorn's Mill Bridge.
Dr. J. W. Herring was a noted bridge builder in this region until his death in 1911. Upson's earliest settlers lived in this area in a small but thriving community known as Hootenville.
There were over 250 covered bridges in Georgia, but now only 15 remain.
Auchumpkee Creek Bridge was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1975.
Located at: N32 45.341 W84 13.794 - WGCB #10-145-02 #2
Photographed in late November of 2018.